
作者: 华乐笑话网分类: 电影发布时间: 2017-12-14 15:01

两个月前,《星球大战:原力觉醒》(Star Wars: The Force Awakens)导演J.J.Abrams的「神秘盒子」再一次令全球影迷震惊:在几乎没有人知道这部电影存在的情况下,片商发放了《末世街10号》(10 Cloverfield Lane)的预告片。两个月来,坊间传出不同的说法,讨论它是否2008年《末世凶煞》(Cloverfield)的续集。最近,电影的监制J.J.Abrams终于作出了进一步的回应。


图片源: Monkeys Fighting Robots
引用There is a monster in this movie. It’s not the monster you expect, but there is a monster. The thing that I will say about anyone who is going to it expecting to see literally Cloverfield 2, those characters and that monster are not in this movie, but there are other characters and other monsters. It’s a very different story, but it is a spiritual successor to that movie. What I hope is that they will be satisfied by wanting to see something that is not of this natural Earth and not necessarily something that you would expect, and I hope that what they find gives them that fix, that thrill that I think they might be looking for in a literal Cloverfield 2 movie.

引用I was always surprised at how frequently people would talk about Cloverfield. But we’re in a post-Godzilla, post-Pacific Rim time. Doing a giant kaiju monster movie needs to have a really great reason to exist, otherwise it becomes just another version of the thing we’ve all seen. We talked about it quite a bit, but nothing presented itself that demands it get made.


图片源: Entertainment Weekly
引用I think that would be presumptuous, because we’re talking about this movie and comparing it to Cloverfield, but I would be lying if I didn’t say there was something else that, if we’re lucky enough to do it, could be really cool that connects some stories.



